L/Male Belongs
to Repeat Client Karen Conrad
Female Ma/LR8801 Belongs to Repeat Clients Bill & Mary
Female Ma/FCC8815 Belongs to Kayla
Female Belongs to Repeat Cleints Kelly & Blake Schnebly
Male Ma/MLA8807 Belongs to Alex Scott
Male Belongs to Mikey
Male Belongs to Jessica Galindio
Female Belongs to Laura Carlsen
Male Belongs to Repeat Clients
Corrin Wohl
Female Belongs to Brianna Christy
Male Belongs to Repeat Clients
& Jared Moody
S Female Right Arm Belongs to Referral Client Erin Hugus
S Female Left Arm Belongs to Repeat Client Cathy Koch
S Male Right Arm Belongs to Referal Client Ashley Wilson
S Male Left Arm Belongs to Pat Kilfoyle
S Male Center Chest Belongs to Jennifer Dahlgren
S Male Lower Right Belongs to Repeat Clients Chase & Stephanie
S Male Lower Left Belongs to Calli & Jessie
S Male Lower Center Belongs to Taylor Cassidy
S Male Right Front Foot Belongs to Referal Client Katie Simpson
Female Right Arm Belong's To Kim Armstrong
Female Lower Left Belongs to Chelsea Tremper
Female Lower Right Belongs to Jean Goggins
Female Center Chest Belongs to Doug Vicky Merrill
Female Left Arm Belongs to Michael Benders
Female Lower Center Belongs to Michelle Davis
Female Right Front Foot Belongs to Kerry Colburn
Female Rear Right Foot Belongs to Mark Barb Mincer
Female Left Front Foot Belongs to Sean DuLaney
Male Right Arm Belongs to Holly Shepard
Male Left Arm Belong's To Soumya
Male Lower Right
Male Lower Left Belongs to Andy Hobbs
Female Right Arm Belong's To Dan & Maria Forelli
Female Belong's To Sandy Jones
Female Right Foot Belong's To Taylor Rothschiller
Female Lower Center Belong's To Rhiley Spants
Female Lower Left Belong's To Jenifer & Mike Childs
Female Lower Right Belong's To Renee & Joe Greenfield
Female Left Arm Belong's To Robin Hume
Female Left Foot Belong's To Repeat Client Mary Bennett
Female Rear Right Foot Belongs to Repeat client Linda V.
Male Right Arm
Belong's To Diane & Larry Forbes
Male Left Arm Belong's To Referral
Clients Brittany & Dan
Male Center Belong's To Repeat Client
Terry Robertson
Male Right Arm Belongs to Matt and Karina Wheeler
Male Left Arm Belongs to Alissa and Chad Cinkovich
Male Lower Left Belongs to Maggie
Male Center Chest "Jackson"
Belongs to Patty Gloth
Male Lower Right " Cooper" Belongs to Kim Devere
Female Right Arm Belongs to Annalisa Braithwaite
Female Left Arm Belongs to Justin & Claire Fenton
Male Right Arm Belongs to Denise & Todd
Male Left Arm Belongs To Maggie & Matt Wisner
Male Center Chest Belongs To Fern
Male Lower Right Belongs to Pam Zastro
Male Lower Center Belongs to Repeat Clients Gary
& Jean Miller
Male Lower Left Belongs to Denise & Todd
Male Right Foot Belongs To Changsong Shen
Male Left Foot Belongs to Becki Powell
Female Right Arm Belongs To Jennifer
Female Left Arm Belongs To Jason
Male Left Arm Belong's To Melissa Amezcua
Male Right Arm belong's to Repeat Clients Amy & Paul
Male Lower Right Belongs To Michelle Bullington
Meg Female Right Arm Belongs to Allyssa Barr Mathews
Female Lower Left Belongs to Rachel and Jesse
Female Center Chest Belongs to James Liu
Female Right Arm Belongs To Karen & Don Wehmann
Male Lower Left Belong's To Garrick Rard
Meg Female Left Arm Belongs to Jen Wagner
Male Right Arm Belongs to repeat clients Susan Tony Yacobazzi
Male Left Arm Belongs to Julie Zemanek
Male Center Chest belongs to Tracey Cochran
Male Lower Right Belongs to Jen & Casey Harris
Male Lower Left Trinjia Dell'Anglio
Male Lower Center Belong's to Repeat Clients Jana DeVarona
Male Right Foot Belongs to Nicole Ellis
Female Belongs to Dean Meyers
Female Belongs to Marc Mitchell
Female Belongs to Patricia Chen
Female Belongs To Shannon Gooding
Male Belongs To Karen Fisher
Male Belongs To Kristy Kim
Male Belongs to Linda Pierson
Male Belong's to Repeat Clients Sandy
Dunham Owner's of Rudy
Male Belong's to Christopher
Female Belong's to Lori
Female Belong's To Saint
& Kelly Inman
Female Belong's to Repeat
Client Mary Revercomb
Male Belongs to Repeat Client Joni Sobo
Male Belongs to Referral Client Vallere
Male Belongs to Repeat Client
Female Belongs to Sarah &

Female Belongs to Amanda Rothrick

Male Belongs to repeat clients Lori Paulsen

Lu Lu's Belongs to Nichole Rager

Male Belongs to Elizabeth Hooton

Female Belongs to Ethan Melone &
Amy Calderwood

Female Belongs to Julie Flynn

Male Belongs to Lydia Olinger
Male Belong's to Kirk Gendron
Female Belong's to Steven Rhodd
Female Belong's to Matthew
& Elizabeth Kowalski
Male Belongs to Linda & Gerald Heather
Female Puppy Belong's to Linda Veralin
Luna's Female Belongs to Mark & Renee Lepvoski
Luna's Male Belong's to Divya Sheetal
Luna's Male Belongs to Repeat clients Beth Whiteman
Luna's Male belongs to Andrea Moss
Luna's Female "Annibel" aka "Annie" belongs to Sheila & Russ Constable
Luna's Male Puppy belongs to Angie Karp
Female Belongs to Veronica
Julia & Johnny's Female Belongs to Doug & Marcia McFarland
Julia & Johnny's Female Belongs to Colleen Dutmer
Julia & Johnny's Female Belongs to Greg Boulander
Julia & Johnny's Female Belongs to repeat clients Beth Uri
Julia & Johnny's Female Belongs to repeat clients Emily Ebbs
Julia & Johnny's Male Belongs to Courtney Gunderson
Julia & Johnny's Male Belongs to repeat clients Ed Chaistain
Julia & Johnny's Male Belongs to Randy Haywood
Julia & Johnny's Male Belongs to repeat clients Jenn Spann
Julia & Johnny's Male Belongs to Chad & Sheryl Jakel
Julia & Johnny's Female Belong's to Laura Smith
Julia & Johnny's Female Belong's to Rob Masco
Julia & Johnny's Female Belong's to Chris Campbell
Julia & Johnny's Male Belong's to Laurie Deranleau
Julia & Johnny's Male Belong's to Dick & Patty Ebbs
Julia & Johnny's Male Belong's to Tom Heflin
Julia Female Belongs To Scott and Lori Whiting
Julia Male Belong's to Repeat Client Sarah Scott
Julia Male Belongs To Todd Donham
Julia Male Belongs to Phyllis Leung
Julia Male Belongs To Wendy Thomas
Julia Male Belong's to Raulph
Julia Female Belong's to Kelly Schneibly
Mollie's Male Belongs to referral client Becky
Mollie's Female puppy belongs to Steve Gardinier
Mollie's Male is belongs to referral client Kristen Keyes
Medium Male
Mollie's Male Puppy Danika's puppy
Mollie's Female belongs to Raulp & Lauren Mirsky Ketchikan
Mollie's Male Puppy belongs to Roberta
Mollie's Female Right Arm belongs to Jeff Stetson
Mollie's Left Arm Female belongs to Caitlin & Mary
Ann Meehan
Mollie's Female belongs to Lauren Schur
Mollie's Female belongs to Jessica Iserman
Mollie's Male belongs to repeat Clients Beth Uri
Female Belong's to Repeat Client's Melissa Johnson
MaleBelongs to Repeat Cleint Layne DeVaughn
Female Belong's to
Male Belong's to Referral Cleint Jan & Don Mallavia
Male Belongs to Repeat Client Dan Root
Female Belongs to Jim Stackman
Male Belongs to Melanie Tinsley
Male Belongs to Mark Schneider
Female belongs to Perry Preston
Female Belongs to Referral Clients Meridith & Gary Nutt
Male Belongs to Kristen
& Griff Jennings
Female Belongs to Rolland
Mollie's Male Center
Chest belongs to Antonio Cushman Rachelle Wilcox-Cushman
Female Belongs
to Cindy Hudson
Female Belongs to Barb Taylor
Female Belongs to Mackenzie Belka
Female Belongs to Clay O'Brien
Mollie's Male belongs to Guy
Mollie's Female Lower Right belongs to Jobie & Mike
Mollie's Male Right Arm belongs
to Ryan & Shaena Johnson
Mollie's Male Left Arm belongs
to Ty & Emily Rallo
Mollie's Female marked Center Chest belongs to
Male Belongs
To Michelle & Kris Bonilla
Male Belong's
To Rolland
Male Belong's To Robert Larson
Female Belongs To
Janelle &
Male "Whistler" Katie Hopps
Female Pat Kofmehl
Female Kristine

Male Belongs to David Izbicki
Female Belongs
to April
Male Belongs to Sheryl
Male Belongs to Eliana Bryant
Male Belongs to Robin Kraeger

Female Belongs
to Steve Gepner
Female Belongs
to Kerry
Lucy's Male "Midas" after his Great Grandfather
King Midas belong's to 3x Repeat Clients Scott & Heather Foss

Female "Holly" Brian & Shelly Hipple
Female Belongs to Eryn Beal
Female "Sophie" belongs to Repeat Client's Mark
Sim's Family
Female Belongs
to Erika
Lucy's Female Lower Left belongs
to referral client Vallere Lee
Lucy's Female Puppy marked Left Arm belongs to Emily Nelson
Lucy's Female Puppy marked Lower Right belongs to Heather Hills
Male Belongs to Sears Family
Lucy's Male Puppy marked Lower Left belongs to Yolanda Davis
Lucy Male marked Center
with Arms belongs to Terry Murray
Lucy Male marked Left Arm belongs to Annette James
Lucy Male marked Lower Center belongs to Bob Bickneel
Lucy Male marked Lower Left belongs to Annette James
Lucy Male marked Rear Left Foot belongs to Dave Coleman
Lucy Male marked Center
of Chest belongs to Carol & Trevor
Lucy Male marked Lower Right belongs to Guy Anderson
Lucy Male marked Right Front Foot belongs to Vince Cisneros
Lucy Male marked Right Arm belongs to Ken & Laura Mills

Female Belong's Repeat Client Tina
Lucy Female Left Arm belongs
to Erik & Suzie Danielson
Lucy Female Right Arm belongs to Megan Doyle
Male "Cooper" belongs to Suzan Heffron
Male Belongs to Krystal & Henry Lucero
Female Belongs to
Referral Client's Nancy and Mel Aguda
Female Belongs to Cheri & David Guthrie
Holly's Female marked Lower Right belongs to Judie & Al Dire

Holly's Female marked Center
of Chest belongs to Cynthia Van Pelt

Holly's Female marked Right Arm belongs to Jen S

Holly's Female marked Lower Center belongs to Angela Stephenson

Holly's Female marked Lower Left belongs to David & Jo Maas

Holly's Male marked Left Arm belongs to referal client Helen

Hollie's male puppy 72lbs at 9mo old, beautiful coat and lots of feathering

Holly's Male marked Right Arm belongs to Rose Chiado

Holly's Female Lower Left belongs to Alana Rogers
Holly's Female marked Left Arm belongs to Aly Rohwer

Holly's Blonde Female Right Arm She belongs to Liz
& Joe Owens
Holly's Medium-Blonde Female Left Arm belongs to Kathy Maynard
Holly's Blonde Female Center of Chest belongs to Amber Jorgenson
Holly's Male marked Center
Chest belongs to Cassie Carlson & Luke Hallstone

Holly's Medum-Blonde Female Lower Right belongs to Jeff & Leandra Parnel
Holly's Medium-Darker Male Lower Left belongs to Jeff & Gina James
Holly's Blonde Male Lower Right belongs to Jocyln
Holly's Female marked Right
Arm belongs to Janet Harris Barry

Male Belongs to Holly
Male Belongs to Kathleen and Tom
Male Belongs to Heidi Stark
Heidi's Male Belongs to Ryan & Katie Luker
Heidi's Female Belongs to Debbie
Heidi's Female Belongs to Lauren McCrea
Heidi's Blonder Female Right Arm belongs to Debbie
Heidi's Medium color Female Lower Right HOLDING for Denise Glover
Heidi's Medium-Darker Female medium-smaller - Lower Left belongs to Jeff & Marie Marotta
Heidi's medium darker Female Right Front Foot belongs to John & Diane Van Aelstyn
Heidi's Blonde Female Left Front Foot belongs to Faith Conlon
Heidi's Medium-Darker Male Right Arm aka "Cooper" belongs to Glen & Mary Ann

Heidi's Male Belongs to Referral Client Clay & Deanna Quinn
Heidi's Male Belongs to Jenny Eidesmore
Heidi's Male Belongs to Repeat
Client's Kent & Kewn Cagle
Heidi's Male Belongs to Taylor & Justin McClanahan
Heidi's Male Belongs to Repeat Client Tina Hutchison
Heidi's Female Belongs to Emily Alvarado
Heidi's Female Belongs to Repeat Clients
Heidi's Female Belongs to Gina Hoffman
Heidi's Male Belongs to Brent & Marly Amsbary
Heidi's Male Belongs to Repeat Clients Darren &
Judi Jones
Heidi's Male Belongs to Repeat Clients Kent & Kewn Cagle
Heidi's Female Belong's to Repeat Clients
Heidi's Female belong's to CMF
Heidi's Female "Lefty" Belongs to Repeat Clients Jim Daylene
Heidi's Female "Shayla" Belongs to Repeat Clients
Max, Trevor Carol Dolsen
Heidi's Female Belongs to Carin
Heidi's Female Belongs to Jay Behrens
Female Belongs to Kristin Patterson

Female Belongs to Scott

Male Belongs to Lisa Spicer Eugene OR

Male Belongs
to Norene Westcot AK
